Daily Movie / Pirates of Silicon Valley

Steve Jobs stepped down as the CEO of Apple today.  I’ve been a lifelong Apple user, my first computer was a Macintosh LC II, and I grew up during the dark period when Jobs was in exile and the impotent Gil Amelio headed the company, leaving Mac users as the butt of many jokes.  When Jobs returned to Apple, the company entered a new renaissance as the man’s inventiveness turned the company around into a juggernaut, completely altering the face of the way we consume media today.

Noah Wyle portrayed Jobs in the TNT television movie Pirates of Silicon Valley, alongside Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates.  It chronicles the way in which Jobs and Gates revolutionized the personal computer, taking it away from the cold conformity of IBM and creating a brave new world that laid the foundation for the future of computing.  The plot almost seems like a prototype for The Social Network.  I haven’t seen it in ages, but I loved it back in the day and watched it quite a few times.  I have no idea if it holds up, but I think it’s high time to watch it again.